Rebecca Rouse


As the founder of Semper Stronger, I strive to empower people to build physical and mental strength so that they can overcome life's challenges with confidence.

My Specialties:

  • Kettlebells
  • Olympic Weightlifting
  • Tactical Strength & Conditioning

Joel Del Rosario


As a Marine and with Semper Stronger, my personal mission is the same. I aim to provide my team with the resources to help them be the best versions of themselves. 

My Specialties:

  • Military Physical Fitness
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Kettlebells

Samantha Candler


The best part of coaching is seeing my clients grow in self-confidence and improve their whole self (physically, mentally, and emotionally) while achieving their aesthetic goals.

My Specialties:

  • Running Coaching
  • Strength Training For Runners
  • Active Older Adults

Angela Pettenon

Semper Stronger Coach

Having back surgery at 19 years of age defined my life's mission to prioritize my mental and physical strength to remain pain free. Thirty years later and as a working mom, I still embody my love of lifting heavy and helping clients achieve their own mental and physical strength.

My Specialties:

  • Kettlebells, Barbells, and Bodyweight Fitness
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Pre/Postnatal Strength


Semper Stronger Coach

While serving in U.S. Army I realized the importance of physical fitness and how it affects those around you. Being both physically and mentally prepared for everyday challenges begins with physical fitness. I strive to help all clients uphold this standard with effective program and appropriate progressions that allow continued growth.

My Specialties:

  • Olympic Weightlifting
  • Military Fitness
  • Athletic Development

Riley Tejcek

Tactical Athlete Liaison

I am extremely passionate about helping people reach their goals in life, and that starts with taking care of your body. Semper Stronger is full of professionals that have ample knowledge to assist people in hitting their fitness goals and I am so excited to be a part of the team to add value as a current Team USA athlete!

If your Police/Fire department or business is looking for health and fitness solutions, Riley is your point of contact.


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